If you found this guide useful, you may be interested in some more The Forest guides here at PwrDown! Crafting a Bow & Arrows in The ForestĬrafting your first bow is easy, and can be done so by combining 1 Stick, 1 Cloth and 1 piece of Rope. Other upgrades allow you to apply incendiary and poisonous damage when hitting enemies. There are different upgrades that can be added to arrows, making them deal more damage. You can hit animals and cannibals with a head-shot, usually causing them to die instantly.
You can actually use a small piece of wood sticking out as a reference as to where your shots will hit, however it isn’t always accurate. Unfortunately, there is no crosshair currently equipped with a bow, making it hard to hit accurate shots the further away a target is. You can actually craft a bow relatively early on into the game, as the materials required aren’t too expensive. A Bow is one of the most useful and important weapons in The Forest.