The name of the rite is misleading, as prior to the first hunt, the supplicant will have spent years or decades training under their Shan'do. The First Hunt is the first real test of the Thero'shan's abilities. Within the Demon's eyes, you will see a window into the burning hells, where you will join him and find his domain beneath you.'
Gaze into the sockets of your prey as you release the knock of your arrow. The hungering fury that seethes and writhes to the surface from the pit of your throat just before the bow string serenades your fury.
' I can feel the hatred in your eyes Thero'shan. The purpose of this page is not to dictate how the rituals are performed but to instead provide inspiration to other aspiring authors. Credited Sources will be given when possible. The act of these unholy rites to Demon Hunter independents is anecdotal at best and all information cited on this page is an expansion of lore snippets and facts gathered from in-game lore and the new Illidan Novel.